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Daily maintenance for amusement park

Views: 12     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-09-06      Origin: Site Inquire

1. It is necessary to check and maintain the equipment. Regularly check the components of the screws are not loose, entertainment equipment troubleshooting and maintenance, to prevent unnecessary malfunctions during operation;

2. Clean up the amusement equipment in a timely manner. Before running the amusement equipment, to ensure that the amusement equipment and the operation of the venue clean, cleaning can be put in the warm water and then use cotton cloth to clean, to ensure the cleaning of the recreational equipment. So that we can better attract customers;

3. In the amusement equipment will be running before the timely operation of the play equipment test, you can well guarantee the stability of the amusement equipment, which can also avoid running failure.

What do you need to prepare for amusement equipment?

What do you need to prepare for amusement equipment?

What do you need to prepare for amusement equipment?

What do you need to prepare for amusement equipment?




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